import { z } from 'zod';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import { TernaryEnum } from '@cqlab/cqflow-core';
import {
} from '@cqlab/cqdefine';
import { MockPatientIdEnum } from '../mock-patients';
import { ExampleCodings, ExampleCodingsEnum } from '../vocabulary/codings';
import { sortObservations } from './utils/utils';
const makeMockDataItem = (id: MockPatientIdEnum) => ({ id: id, label: id });
// Declare a schema using zod to document and validate a return type
const cholesterolThreshold = z.number().int().positive().min(0);
type CholesterolThreshold = z.infer<typeof cholesterolThreshold>;
// Return reading
const quantitySchema = z.object({
unit: z.string().nullable(),
value: z.number(),
type Quantity = z.infer<typeof quantitySchema>;
export class ParameterizedRetrieveLibrary extends FhirLibrary {
static readonly className: string = 'Test';
@Define('Get cholesterol reading')
@Documentation('Gets the most recent cholesterol reading in mg/dL')
async getCholesterolReading(): Promise<Quantity | null> {
const cholesterolCode =
const observations = await this.retriever.getObservationsByCode(
if (observations.length === 0) {
return null;
const mostRecentObservation =
sortObservations(observations)[observations.length - 1];
if (!mostRecentObservation.valueQuantity?.value) {
return null;
// Assume the unit is mg/dL, but may need to do more complex work here
// if there is a chance different units could be used
return {
value: mostRecentObservation.valueQuantity.value,
unit: 'mg/dL',
// The @Params decorator allows us to parameterize a function so that
// it can be re-used in flexible ways. Either it can be used by other
// functions in a library, or exposed directly to calling code / or APIs
// We use Zod to validate and auto-document the API with JSON Schema
@Define('Is cholesterol reading above threshold')
'Provide a threshold to see if patient has cholesterol above that. Allows a "high threshold" to be configurable.'
async isCholesterolAboveThreshold(
threshold: CholesterolThreshold
): Promise<TernaryEnum> {
const cholesterolReading = await this.getCholesterolReading();
if (!cholesterolReading) {
return TernaryEnum.UNKNOWN;
// We have full TypeScript support for dealing with the input params
return cholesterolReading.value > threshold
? TernaryEnum.TRUE
: TernaryEnum.FALSE;
@Define('Is cholesterol reading above 200 mg/dL')
@Documentation('Checks to see if the cholesterol reading is above 200 mg/dL')
async isCholesterolReadingAbove200(): Promise<TernaryEnum> {
return this.isCholesterolAboveThreshold(200);